Bullet in the head

Here is the latest Metal Hammer cover with Bullet for my Valentine – I shot the cover picture with Matt in Cardiff and the inside feature in Amsterdam. I had to go to Wales because apparently you can’t fly with a real gun!

The gun is a Smith & Wesson Magnum 3.75. It is very real and was loaned under license to me for the day.

The lipstick on the barrel was added as a subtle after thought!

Bullet dressing room – Amsterdam

Cross process shot

I shot thees portraits in the dressing room next to Bullets. It is probably the most grotesque wallpaper I have ever seen so I had to use it as a backdrop! I also ate most of the support bands rider while taking these pix so if you supported BFMV in Amsterdam then thanks!

Bullet in the neon streets of Amsterdam.

It’s an A

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