forget BA, fly Maiden all the way!

Wow! What an unbelievable 7 weeks on tour! 50,000 miles, 21 cities, 5 continents, 1/2 million fans and 35,000 pictures all in 45 days. The reception in each country blew me away. 50,000 people every night going crazy for Maiden. To witness the mayhem and hysteria as ‘Ed Force One’ landed in each country was an unforgettable experience. Sorry I was unable to update more often but as you can imagine I was busy! Thankfully I managed to edit pictures as I went along. 35,000 RAW files at 35mb a go, is a lot of data. What kept me sane throughout the tour was having SKYWIRE! Still busy now I am back but will put some more shots up soon…I promise!

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